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A Middle Pleistocene Denisovan molar from the Annamite Chain of northern Laos 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 1, 页码: 17
作者:  Demeter, Fabrice;  Zanolli, Clement;  Westaway, Kira E.;  Joannes-Boyau, Renaud;  Duringer, Philippe;  Morley, Mike W.;  Welker, Frido;  Ruther, Patrick L.;  Skinner, Matthew M.;  McColl, Hugh;  Gaunitz, Charleen;  Vinner, Lasse;  Dunn, Tyler E.;  Olsen, Jesper V.;  Sikora, Martin;  Ponche, Jean-Luc;  Suzzoni, Eric;  Frangeul, Sebastien;  Boesch, Quentin;  Antoine, Pierre-Olivier;  Pan, Lei;  Xing, Song;  Zhao, Jian-Xin;  Bailey, Richard M.;  Boualaphane, Souliphane;  Sichanthongtip, Phonephanh;  Sihanam, Daovee;  Patole-Edoumba, Elise;  Aubaile, Francoise;  Crozier, Francoise;  Bourgon, Nicolas;  Zachwieja, Alexandra;  Luangkhoth, Thonglith;  Souksavatdy, Viengkeo;  Sayavongkhamdy, Thongsa;  Cappellini, Enrico;  Bacon, Anne-Marie;  Hublin, Jean-Jacques;  Willerslev, Eske;  Shackelford, Laura
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Premolar enamel thickness and distribution of a Miocene hominid Lufengpithecus hudienensis compared with Pleistocene and extant hominids 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 2021, 卷号: 157, 页码: 9
作者:  Pan, Lei;  Ji, Xueping;  Liao, Wei;  Wang, Wei;  Liu, Jianhui;  Xing, Song
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Hominoid  Teeth  Micro-computed tomography  Colormap  
Hominin diversity in East Asia during the Middle Pleistocene: A premolar endostructural perspective 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 2020, 卷号: 148, 页码: 10
作者:  Pan, Lei;  Dumoncel, Jean;  Mazurier, Arnaud;  Zanolli, Clement
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Late Middle Pleistocene  Denisovan  Archaic Homo sapiens  East Asia  Geometric morphometrics  Premolar  Microcomputed tomography  
Geometric morphometry of the enamel-dentine junction interface of Lufengpithecus hudienensis lower fourth premolars 禄丰古猿蝴蝶种下第四前臼齿釉质-齿质交界面的三维几何形态 期刊论文
人类学学报, 2020, 卷号: 39, 期号: 4, 页码: 555-563
作者:  Pan Lei;  Liao Wei;  Wang Wei;  Liu Jianhui;  Ji Xueping;  Yang Xiaomei;  Hao Yixin
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Structural analysis of premolar roots in Middle Pleistocene hominins from China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 2019, 卷号: 136, 页码: 13
作者:  Pan, Lei;  Dumoncel, Jean;  Mazurier, Arnaud;  Zanolli, Clement
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East Asian Middle Pleistocene Homo  Permanent premolar  External root surface  Crown-root tissue proportions  
Evidence for increased hominid diversity in the Early to Middle Pleistocene of Indonesia 期刊论文
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2019, 卷号: 3, 期号: 5, 页码: 755-764
作者:  Zanolli, Clement;  Kullmer, Ottmar;  Kelley, Jay;  Bacon, Anne-Marie;  Demeter, Fabrice;  Dumoncel, Jean;  Fiorenza, Luca;  Grine, Frederick E.;  Hublin, Jean-Jacques;  Anh Tuan Nguyen;  Thi Mai Huong Nguyen;  Pan, Lei;  Schillinger, Burkhard;  Schrenk, Friedemann;  Skinner, Matthew M.;  Ji, Xueping;  Macchiarelli, Roberto
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Comparative observations on the premolar root and pulp canal configurations of Middle Pleistocene Homo in China 期刊论文
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 168, 期号: 3, 页码: 637-646
作者:  Pan, Lei;  Zanolli, Clement
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Asian fossil Homo  canal morphology  micro-tomography  premolar  root morphology  
A geometric morphometric approach to the study of variation of shovel-shaped incisors 期刊论文
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 168, 期号: 1, 页码: 229-241
作者:  Carayon, Delphine;  Adhikari, Kaustubh;  Monsarrat, Paul;  Dumoncel, Jean;  Braga, Jose;  Duployer, Benjamin;  Delgado, Miguel;  Fuentes-Guajardo, Macarena;  de Beer, Frikkie;  Hoffman, Jakobus W.;  Oettle, Anna C.;  Donat, Richard;  Pan, Lei;  Ruiz-Linares, Andres;  Tenailleau, Christophe;  Vaysse, Frederic;  Esclassan, Remi;  Zanolli, Clement
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ASUDAS  Procrustes and non-Procrustes superimpositions  shovel-shape incisors  virtual anthropology  
Inner tooth morphology of Homo erectus from Zhoukoudian. New evidence from an old collection housed at Uppsala University, Sweden 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, 2018, 卷号: 116, 页码: 1-13
作者:  Zanolli, Clement;  Pan, Lei;  Dumoncel, Jean;  Kullmer, Ottmar;  Kundrat, Martin;  Liu, Wu;  Macchiarelli, Roberto;  Mancini, Lucia;  Schrenk, Friedemann;  Tuniz, Claudio
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Permanent Teeth  Inner Structure  Zhoukoudian  Early Middle Pleistocene  Chinese Homo Erectus  
渤海海域中生代地层特征及其对比关系 期刊论文
地层学杂志, 2017, 卷号: 41, 期号: 4, 页码: 411-420
作者:  刘士磊;  潘文静;  高曦龙;  王丽君;  韩莎莎;  卢辉楠
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