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峡东地区早寒武世水井沱组古盘虫类三叶虫的再研究 林天瑞 321
祖先的故事(1) 傅强 214
A uniquely preserved Ediacaran fossil with direct evidence for a quilted bodyplan Xiao, SH 177
棘皮动物演化的早期研究及展望 林日白 152
Calibrating the End-Permian Mass Extinction Shen 149
Earliest Triassic (Induan) spores and pollen from the Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, nor.. Shu, OY (欧阳舒) 149
Discovery of Cathaysiodendron Lee from the early carboniferous of Jingyuan, Gansu,.. Wang, J.(王军) 147
Pattern of marine mass extinction near the Permian-Triassic boundary in South Chin.. JIN, YG (金玉玕) 145
Origin and early evolution of the vertebrates: new insights from advances in molec.. Holland, ND 137
A global carbon isotope excursion (SPICE) during the Late Cambrian: relation to tr.. Saltzman, MR 115
追寻最早的生命气息 孟凡巍 108
贵州岑巩羊桥罗家塘杷榔动物群的发现及其后生动物早期演化的意义 马海涛 105
陕北中生代延长层植物群 斯行健 94
An exceptionally well-preserved Theropod dinosaur from the Yixian Formation of Chi.. Chen, PJ (陈丕基) 93
白鱀后尘?! 傅强 93
西南地区地层古生物手册 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 91
都是明星 傅强 90
Drilling predation on scaphopods and other molluscs from the Upper Cretaceous of M.. Li Rongyu (李荣玉) 89
进化的荣耀 傅强 89
Palaeovegetation of China: a pollen data-based synthesis for the mid-Holocene and .. Yu, G 86
XVI International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian Wang Yue (王玥) 84
澄江动物群和寒武纪大爆发 傅强 82
Palaeobiology: The missing link in Ginkgo evolution - The modern maidenhair tree h.. Zhou, ZY (周志炎) 80
U/Pb zircon geochronology and tempo of the end-Permian mass extinction Bowring, SA 80
Early Cretaceous Terrestrial Weathering in Northern China: Relationship between Pa.. Ohta, Tohru 79
Pre-Hirnantian Ashgill climatically warm event in the Mediterranean region Boucot, AJ 78
Anatomy of Sinosauropteryx prima from Liaoning, northeastern China Currie, PJ 77
The new chronostratigraphic classification of the Ordovician System and its relati.. Bergstroem, Stig M. 76
《长毛恐龙历险记》后传(5) 骗局 王小娟 76
华南三叠纪一种双扇蕨科植物的繁殖器官构造及原位孢子(英文) 王永栋 76
塔里木盆地北部东河塘组孢子化石 朱怀诚 75
中华震旦角石和它的“巨无霸”家族 曾杨 74
Notes on non-marine bivalve Trigonioides (Trigonioides?) from the mid-Cretaceous G.. Komatsu, Toshifumi 73
祁连山地质志,第四卷,第一分册(即祁连山古生物志,第一册) 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 72
潜龙在渊--水生爬行动物 傅强 72
祁连山的笔石 穆恩之 72
塔里木盆地西南缘晚泥盆世疑源类 朱怀诚 71
中国各地质时代地层划分与对比 汪啸风 71
A new mesozoic Ginkgo from western Liaoning, China and its evolutionary significan.. Zheng, SL 70
Jurassic-Cretaceous radiolarian biostratigraphy and sedimentary environments of th.. Matsuoka, A 70
西藏南部桑单林剖面晚古新世放射虫动物群 王学恒 70
琳.马古利斯和内共生假说 吴德赛 69
Jianshangou bed of the Yixian formation in West Liaoning, China Chen, PJ (陈丕基) 67
The acritarchs of the South Chinese Azygograptus suecicus graptolite Biozone and t.. Li, Jun (李军) 67
The oleaginous Botryococcus from the Triassic Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin, N.. Ji, Li-ming 66
Paleobiology and skeletochronology of Jurassic dinosaurs: implications from the hi.. Tutken, T 66
Global time scale and regional stratigraphic reference scales of Central and West .. Menning, M. 65
古氏阿拉木图虫(Almatium gusevi) 陈丕基 65
中国沟鞭藻类化石 何承全 64
澳大利亚真奇异 许汉奎 64
燕辽生物群中的鞘喙蝽化石 蒋佳倩 64
基于GBDB数据库与定量地层学的瓜德鲁普世末期生物多样性研究 赵莹莹 64
Agnostoid biostratigraphy across the Middle-Upper Cambrian boundary in Hunan, Chin.. Peng, SC (彭善池) 63
Environmental change and cultural response between 8000 and 4000 cal. yr BP in the.. An, CB 63
地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南 陈旭主编 63
华南中、晚奥陶世定量岩相古地理研究 张琳娜 63
Comparison of Permian palynological assemblages from the Junggar and Tarim Basins .. Zhu, HC (朱怀诚) 62
The classification of athyridid brachiopods Alvarez, F 62
是“养在深阁人未知”,还是生物小型化?--由发现世界最小青蛙说开去 代珍 62
鄂尔多斯地台南缘中奥陶统双笔石类笔石的研究 林尧坤 61
湖南张家界地区志留纪晚期地层新见兼论小溪组的时代 王怿 61
中国稻作农业溯源 王伟铭 61
Geological ages of dinosaur-track-bearing formations in China Chen, PJ (陈丕基) 60
Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) Mucronaspis (Songxites)-dominant trilobite fauna from.. Zhou Zhiqiang (周志强) 60
植物叶形态与植物进化 李浩敏 60
最早的有毒动物--潘德尔牙行刺 王成源 60
Upper Ordovician (Sandbian-Katian) graptolite and conodont zonation in the Yangtze.. Xu, Chen (陈旭) 59
Tithonian ammonoid biostratigraphy in eastern Himalayan Tibet Yin, JR 59
An 18 million year record of vegetation and climate change in northwestern Canada .. White, JM 59
华夏古陆于奥陶-志留纪之交的扩展证据和机制探索 戎嘉余 59
第三届国际植硅石研究会议在布鲁塞尔召开 王伟铭报道 59
国际地层指南― 地层分类、术语和程序(第二版) (译著) 金玉玕 59
人类的命运 傅强 59
依据牙形刺确定的内蒙古苏尼特左旗泥鳅河组的时代 韩春元 59
Early Cambrian metazoan fossil record of South China: Generic diversity and radiat.. Li, Guoxiang (李国祥) 58
From snowball earth to the Cambrian bioradiation: Calibration of Ediacaran-Cambria.. Zhu, Maoyan (朱茂炎) 58
The complete mitochondrial genome of Symphylella sp (Myriapoda: Symphyla): Extensi.. Gai, Yonghua (盖永华) 58
Age revision of some Palaeozoic strata of Mongolia based on conodonts Wang, CY (王成源) 58
Early to Middle Jurassic vegetation and climatic events in the Qaidam Basin, north.. Wang, YD (王永栋) 58
再论黔羽枝时代 蔡重阳 58
Middle Triassic (Anisian) diversified bivalves: depositional environments and biva.. Komatsu, T 57
Occurrence of the earliest known Sphenothallus Hall in the Lower Cambrian of South.. Li, GX (李国祥) 57
Comparative analysis of the end-Permian and end-Ordovician brachiopod mass extinct.. Rong, JY (戎嘉余) 57
Sequence stratigraphy and correlation of late Carboniferous and Permian in the CIS.. Izart, A 57
华南奥陶、志留纪腕足动物群的更替——兼论奥陶纪末冈瓦纳冰川活动的影响 戎嘉余 57
华南早-中奥陶世主要环境下笔石动物的多样性与生物地理分布 张元动 57
中国地质时期植物群 李星学 57
Exploration of early rice farming in China Wang, Wei-Ming (王伟铭) 56
Kaili Biota: A taphonomic window on diversification of metazoans from the Basal Mi.. Zhao, YL 56
The oldest known dinoflagellates: Morphological and molecular evidence from Mesopr.. Meng, FW (孟凡巍) 56
The latest Ordovician Hirnantia Fauna (Brachiopoda) in time and space Rong, JY (戎嘉余) 56
Recoveries and radiations: Gastropods after the Permo-Triassic mass extinction Erwin, DH 56
Carbon and conodont apatite oxygen isotope records of Guadalupian-Lopingian bounda.. Chen, Bo (陈波) 56
Trilobite biofacies and palaeogeographic development in the Arenig (Ordovician) of.. Zhou Zhiyi (周志毅) 56
Diverse small spinose acritarchs from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South Ch.. Yin Lei-Ming (尹磊明) 56
中国陨石的世界之最 许汉奎 56
地球科学领域的入门宝典 代珍 56
博物馆教育功能的社会心理学探析 何琦 56
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文章名称 第一作者 下载量
祁连山地质志,第四卷,第一分册(即祁连山古生物志,第一册) 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 6
祁连山地质志,第四卷,第四分册(即祁连山古生物志,第四册) 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 3
Cambrian stratigraphy at Paibi, Hunan Province, China: candidate section for a glo.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 3
湖南花垣排碧剖面Glyptagnostus Reticulatus 首现点位研究 彭善池 3
Cambrian-Ordovician boundary in the Cili-Taoyuan Border Area,Northwestern Hunan Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 3
皖北地区寒武系芙蓉统炒米店组中上部的索克虫类三叶虫* 雷倩萍 3
湖南花垣排碧剖面--全球寒武系芙蓉统及排碧阶层型剖面 彭善池 2
祁连山地质志,第四卷,第三分册(即祁连山古生物志,第三册) 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 2
Cambrian of the Hunan-Guizhou region, South China Peng Chanchi (彭善池) 2
Cambrian stratigraphy at Wangcun, Hunan Province, China:stratotypes for bases of .. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 2
皖南东至寒武纪早期褶颊虫类三叶虫 彭善池 2
国际地层指南― 地层分类、术语和程序(第二版) (译著) 金玉玕 2
中-上寒武统全球界线层型和寒武系年代地层研究的重大进展 彭善池 2
A possible new genus of Cambrian trilobite from the Laoyingshan Formation norther .. Li Quan (李泉) 2
生物地层学与年代地层学 张元动 2
祁连山地质志,第四卷,第五分册(即祁连山古生物志,第五册) 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 2
华北地区古生物图册 3 微体古生物分册 天津地质矿产研究所主编 2
西北地区古生物图册 青海分册(一) 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 2
Morphologic variation pf Lotagnostus americanus from China and Russia Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 2
Progress toward completion of a Cambrian Chronostratigraphic scale Babcock,Loren E. 2
Cambrian chronostratigraphic nomenclature:a status report L.E.Babcock 2
Recent progress on the chronostratigraphic subdivision of Cambrian system Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 2
Carbon-Isotope Excursions Recorded in the Cambrian System, South China: Implicatio.. Zuo, Jingxun 2
The Parahio Formation of the Tethyan Himalaya: the Type Section, Thickness, Lithos.. Hughes, Nigel C. 2
Conodont faunas across the Kasimovian-Gzhelian boundary (Late Pennsylvanian) in So.. Qi, Yuping (祁玉平) 2
Middle-Late Pennsylvanian conodonts from South China: Implications for the Global .. Hu, Keyi 2
古盘虫类有孔虫起源及其壳壁发育证据 盛青怡 2
Herpetogaster collinsi from the Cambrian of China elucidates the dispersal and pal.. Yang, Xianfeng 2
Middle-Late Quaternary planktonic foraminifera and the upper-column sea water chan.. Xu, Ye 2
Global standard names for the Lowermost Cambrian Series and Stage Landing, Ed 1
A restudy of Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910) Zhao Yuanlong 1
Discovery of organic connection of Chiropteris Kurr and Nystroemia Halle from Earl.. Wang, Jun (王军) 1
The first Golden Spike within Cambrian Peng, SC (彭善池) 1
Sexual reproductive structures of latest proterozoic multicellular rhodophytes (re.. Zhang, Y 1
中国的寒武—奥陶系界线及其附近的化石带 卢衍豪 1
冀北侏罗纪叶肢介软体化石的发现及其生物学意义 张文堂 1
Tamdaspis Lisogor的分类位置、异名及新种 彭善池 1
国际地层委员会与吕文会议 陈旭 1
我国寒武纪崮山期的两个晚出同名三叶虫属及其替代名称 杨显峰 1
陕南商县、豫西南召早白垩世植物化石 吴向午 1
湘西南中生代含煤地层及其生物群 陈金华 1
中国南部的长兴阶和二叠系与三叠系之间的界线 赵金科 1
乔治娜角石Georgina在西藏南部的发现及其意义 陈挺恩 1
江苏昆山上奥陶统的笔石 葛梅钰 1
辽西中侏罗统土城子组叶肢介化石 沈炎彬 1
祁连山地质志,第二卷,第一分册 中国科学院地质研究所 1
西北地区古生物图册 青海分册(二) 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所 1
中国新生代植物(中国植物化石,第三册)中国新时代植物 中国科学院北京植物研究所 1
贵州西部上二叠统腕足化石 廖卓庭 1
广西来宾合山晚二叠世硅化腕足类及其古生态特征 廖卓庭 1
寒武纪气候 彭善池 1
中国及邻区寒武纪至二叠纪古气候图 斯科梯司.布科 1
中国古生物学的光辉成就 卢衍豪 1
Illustrations of polymeroid trilibtes from the Huaqiao Formation (Middle-Upper Cam.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
中国古生代气候敏感沉积物及古生物地理资料点 陈旭 1
腕足类 刘第墉 1
中国古植物学三十年 李星学 1
Preface (for the thematic volume on Cryogenian-Ediacaran to Cambrian Stratigraphy .. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
宜宾筠连间地质 杨敬之 1
中国已知最大的蜻蜓内蒙古侏罗纪的赵氏修复蟌蜓(Hsiufua chaoi Zhang et Wang; sp.. 张海春 1
A new chronosratigraphic subdivision of Cambrian for China Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
纪念卢衍豪老师 周志毅 1
New material of Songtaoia (Trilobita, Tremadoc) from northwe- stern Hunan Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
联邦德国古生物学及地层学的一种新刊物——《Beringeria》 彭善池 1
Stratigraphy and palaeontology of systemic boundaries in China Precambrian-Cambri.. Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology 1
Malformed agnostoid trilobite from the Middle Cambrian of northwestern Hunan, Chin.. Babcock L E 1
Siliurian-Devonian Stratigraphy at Zhangjiajie northwestern Hunan Province China Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian-Ordovician stratigraphy at Luoyixi and Wangcun, Hunan Province China: str.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian Stratigraphy at Paibi Hunan Province China: GSSP and reference section fo.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian sections at dadoushan near duibian, jiangshan, western Zhejiang and candi.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian in the Zhangxia-Gushan-Chaomidian district and the Jiulongshan district, .. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Brief introduction to the Cambrian of Shandong Province, North China Platform Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian of the Beigong-Tangcun area Jingxian Southern Anhui Province China Zuo Jingxun (左景勋) 1
Trilobite fauna of Datong and Huzhu area in Qilian Mountain Region Qinghai and its.. Yang Xianfeng (杨显峰) 1
Cambrian stratigraphy on the southwest margin of the North China Plate (Hancheng, .. Luo Kunli 1
Foreword, Cambrian system of China and Korea Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Malformed trilobites from Furongian of Southwestern Guangxi, China Zhu Xuejian (朱学剑) 1
湖北宜昌中—上奥陶统庙坡组几丁虫生物地层 梁艳 1
华南上扬子区早、中奥陶世几丁虫生物地层 梁艳 1
滇东曲靖、沾益地区下、中泥盆统岩石地层单位沿革概况及修订建议 彭辉平 1
评《再论大古油栉虫属Megapalaeolenus》一文 林天瑞 1
新疆准噶尔盆地南缘晚三叠世早期古湖泊演化 郑大燃 1
祁连山地质志 (第二卷 第二分册) 中国科学院地质研究所 1
中南地区古生物图册 (四) 微体化石部分 湖北省地质科学研究所 1
国际地层委员会即将正式定义侏罗纪 彭善池 1
中国寒武系建阶层型剖面和层型点 彭善池 1
寒武纪三叶虫Palaeolenus新材料的初步研究 林天瑞 1
In memoriam Lu Yanhao 1913-2000 Zhou Zhiyi(周志毅) 1
Progress and prospects toward a global chronostratigraphic subdivision of the Camb.. Peng Shanchi(彭善池) 1
Morpholigic variation, taphonomy and biostratigrraphic range of the agnostoid Lota.. Loren E. Babcock 1
Cambrian(late Taijiangian-Taoyuanian)slope-facies non-agostoids Peng Shanchi(彭善池) 1
Cambrian agnostoids Peng Shanchi(彭善池) 1
Candidate Sections of south China for GSSPs defining Cambrian stages Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 1
Occurrence of Irvingella(trilobita,Furongian)in western Zhejiang,South China Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 1
Cambrian shumardiids from southwestern Guangxi Xuejian Zhu (朱学剑) 1
Oryctocephalus indicus is the best trilobite of FAD of the Middle Cambrian Yuanlong Zhao (赵元龙) 1
Suggested global subdivision of Cambrian System and two potential GSSPs in Hunan,C.. Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 1
Correlation chart of major Cambrian areas Geyer G. 1
The oldest and the youngest Cambrian trilobites known from the Himalaya Nigel C. Hughes 1
Cambrian shumardiid trilobites from western Hunan,China Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 1
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A possible new genus of Cambrian trilobite from the Laoyingshan Formation norther .. Li Quan (李泉) 2
A restudy of Oryctocephalus indicus (Reed, 1910) Zhao Yuanlong 1
Tamdaspis Lisogor的分类位置、异名及新种 彭善池 1
我国寒武纪崮山期的两个晚出同名三叶虫属及其替代名称 杨显峰 1
纪念卢衍豪老师 周志毅 1
New material of Songtaoia (Trilobita, Tremadoc) from northwe- stern Hunan Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
联邦德国古生物学及地层学的一种新刊物——《Beringeria》 彭善池 1
Malformed agnostoid trilobite from the Middle Cambrian of northwestern Hunan, Chin.. Babcock L E 1
Siliurian-Devonian Stratigraphy at Zhangjiajie northwestern Hunan Province China Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian-Ordovician stratigraphy at Luoyixi and Wangcun, Hunan Province China: str.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian Stratigraphy at Paibi Hunan Province China: GSSP and reference section fo.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian sections at dadoushan near duibian, jiangshan, western Zhejiang and candi.. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian in the Zhangxia-Gushan-Chaomidian district and the Jiulongshan district, .. Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Brief introduction to the Cambrian of Shandong Province, North China Platform Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Cambrian of the Beigong-Tangcun area Jingxian Southern Anhui Province China Zuo Jingxun (左景勋) 1
Trilobite fauna of Datong and Huzhu area in Qilian Mountain Region Qinghai and its.. Yang Xianfeng (杨显峰) 1
Cambrian stratigraphy on the southwest margin of the North China Plate (Hancheng, .. Luo Kunli 1
Foreword, Cambrian system of China and Korea Peng Shanchi (彭善池) 1
Malformed trilobites from Furongian of Southwestern Guangxi, China Zhu Xuejian (朱学剑) 1
评《再论大古油栉虫属Megapalaeolenus》一文 林天瑞 1
In memoriam Lu Yanhao 1913-2000 Zhou Zhiyi(周志毅) 1
Cambrian(late Taijiangian-Taoyuanian)slope-facies non-agostoids Peng Shanchi(彭善池) 1
Cambrian agnostoids Peng Shanchi(彭善池) 1
Candidate Sections of south China for GSSPs defining Cambrian stages Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 1
Occurrence of Irvingella(trilobita,Furongian)in western Zhejiang,South China Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 1
Cambrian shumardiids from southwestern Guangxi Xuejian Zhu (朱学剑) 1
The oldest and the youngest Cambrian trilobites known from the Himalaya Nigel C. Hughes 1
Cambrian shumardiid trilobites from western Hunan,China Shanchi Peng(彭善池) 1
Enrolment and trunk segmentation of a Cambrian eodiscoid trilobite Dai, Tao 1
Development of the early Cambrian oryctocephalid trilobite Oryctocarella duyunensi.. Dai, Tao 1
Morphology and ontogeny of the eodiscoid trilobite Pagetia vinusta from the Cambri.. Cui, Linhao 1
Development and trunk segmentation of a redlichiid trilobite from Cambrian Series .. Zhang, Qiao 1
The Liexi fauna: a new Lagerstatte from the Lower Ordovician of South China Fang, Xiang(方翔) 1
Herpetogaster collinsi from the Cambrian of China elucidates the dispersal and pal.. Yang, Xianfeng 1