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Miocene Smilax leaves and associated epiphyllous fungi from Zhejiang, East China and their paleoecological implications 期刊论文
REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY, 2011, 卷号: 165, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 209-223
作者:  Ding, Su-Ting;  Sun, Bai-Nian;  Wu, Jing-Yu;  Li, Xiang-Chuan
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Smilax  cuticle  epiphyllous fungi  Miocene  East China  
A new Cephalotaxus and associated epiphyllous fungi from the Oligocene of Guangxi, South China 期刊论文
REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY, 2010, 卷号: 161, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 179-195
作者:  Shi, Gongle (史恭乐);  Zhou, Zhiyan (周志炎);  Xie, Zhiming
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Cephalotaxus  Oligocene  Leaf Cuticle  Phylogenetic Analysis  Phytogeography  Epiphyllous Fungi  China