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Angiosperm leaves associated with Sinocarpus infructescences from the Yixian Formation (mid-Early Cretaceous) of NE China 期刊论文
PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION, 2006, 卷号: 262, 期号: 3-4, 页码: 173-187
作者:  Leng, Q. (冷琴);  Friis, E. M.
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Sinocarpus Decussatus  Angiosperms  Cretaceous  Leaves  Fossil  Yixian Formation  
Sinocarpus decussatus gen. et sp nov., a new angiosperm with basally syncarpous fruits from the Yixian Formation of Northeast China 期刊论文
PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION, 2003, 卷号: 241, 期号: 1-2, 页码: 77-88
作者:  Leng, Q (冷琴);  Friis, EM
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Sinocarpus Decussatus  Fossil  Infructescence  Angiosperms  Eudicots  Yixian Formation  Cretaceous