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Vegetation and climate of the central and northern Qinghai-Xizang plateau from the Middle Jurassic to the end of the Paleogene inferred from palynology 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, 2019, 卷号: 175, 页码: 35-48
作者:  Li, Jianguo (李建国);  Wu, Yixiao;  Batten, David J.;  Lin, Miaoqin
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Palaeovegetation  Palaeoelevation  Indian-eurasian Collision  Mesozoic  Cenozoic  Palynostratigraphy  
Palynostratigraphy and climatic implications of Neogene deposits in the Himi area of Toyama Prefecture, Central Japan 期刊论文
REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY, 2001, 卷号: 117, 期号: 4, 页码: 281-295
作者:  Wang, WM (王伟铭);  Saito, T;  Nakagawa, T
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Palynostratigraphy  Climate Implications  Neogene  Himi Area  Central Japan