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A new mesoserphid wasp from the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea) 期刊论文
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TAXONOMY, 2017, 卷号: 379, 页码: 1-8
作者:  Zheng, Yan;  Chen, Jun
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Mesoserphidae  New Taxon  Taxonomy  Daohugou  Jiulongshan Formation  
A thalloid organism with possible lichen affinity from the Jurassic of northeastern China 期刊论文
REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY, 2010, 卷号: 162, 期号: 4, 页码: 591-598
作者:  Wang, Xin (王鑫);  Krings, Michael;  Taylor, Thomas N.
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Cilia  Fossil Thallus  Daohugou Village  Jiulongshan Formation  Lichen  Symbiosis  
Oldest webspinners from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China (Insecta: Embiodea) 期刊论文
ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY, 2009, 卷号: 156, 期号: 4, 页码: 889-895
作者:  Huang, Di-ying (黄迪颖);  Nel, Andre
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Biology  Jiulongshan Formation  New Family  Phylogenetic Implications  
First record of fossil Mesocupes from China (Coleoptera : Archostemata : Cupedidae) 期刊论文
ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION, 2007, 卷号: 81, 期号: 5, 页码: 688-696
作者:  Tan Jingjing;  Huang Diying (黄迪颖);  Ren Dong
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Cupedidae  Mesocupes  New Species  Jiulongshan Formation  China