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The Temperature of Halite Crystallization in the Badenian Saline Basins, in the Context of Paleoclimate Reconstruction of the Carpathian Area 期刊论文
MINERALS, 2021, 卷号: 11, 期号: 8, 页码: 15
作者:  Galamay, Anatoliy R.;  Bukowski, Krzysztof;  Zinchuk, Igor M.;  Meng, Fanwei(孟凡巍)
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Carpathians  Badenian  halite  fluid inclusions  homogenization temperature  
Late Cretaceous paleoclimate reconstruction from halite in an evaporite deposit on the Khorat Plateau, Laos 期刊论文
CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2020, 卷号: 116, 页码: 11
作者:  Li, Minghui;  Sun, Shurui;  Yan, Maodu;  Meng, Fanwei (孟凡巍);  Fang, Xiaomin;  Song, Xiangsuo;  Zhu, Liping
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Homogenization temperature  Iodine  Origin  Climate  
Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous coastal paleotemperature from halite deposits of the Late Cretaceous Nongbok Formation (Khorat Plateau, Laos) 期刊论文
PALAEOWORLD, 2016, 卷号: 25, 期号: 3, 页码: 425-430
作者:  Zhang, Xi-Ying;  Meng, Fan-Wei (孟凡巍);  Li, Wen-Xia;  Tang, Qi-Liang;  Ni, Pei
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Fluid Inclusions  Halite  Homogenization Temperature  Cretaceous  
Homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions in laboratory grown halite and its implication for paleotemperature reconstruction 期刊论文
ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA, 2011, 卷号: 27, 期号: 5, 页码: 1543-1547
作者:  Meng Fanwei (孟凡巍);  Ni Pei;  Ge ChenDong;  Wang TianGang;  Wang GuoGuang;  Liu JiQiang;  Zhao Chao
Adobe PDF(1261Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:576/28  |  提交时间:2012/09/12
Halite  Fluid Inclusion  Cooling Nucleation Method  Maximum Homogenization Temperature