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Origin of K-bentonites in the Doushantuo cap dolostones from South China and its potential link with the sedimentary model of the Marinoan cap dolostones 期刊论文
PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2021, 卷号: 366, 页码: 17
作者:  Zhou, Mingzhong;  Wan, Bin(万斌);  Zhou, Li;  Yang, Enlin;  Yang, Liansheng;  Luo, Taiyi
Adobe PDF(8459Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:415/1  |  提交时间:2021/12/13
Jiuqunao section  Heyu section  K-bentonite  Marinoan cap dolostone  Snowball Earth