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Development and trunk segmentation of a redlichiid trilobite from Cambrian Series 2 of China 期刊论文
LETHAIA, 2022, 卷号: 55, 期号: 3, 页码: 19
作者:  Zhang, Qiao;  Dai, Tao;  Zhang, Xing-liang;  Peng, Shan-chi(彭善池)
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Trilobite  Cambrian  Redlichiids  Bathynotus  ontogeny  segmentation  
Trunk regionalization and functional morphology of the globally distributed trilobite Bathynotus from Cambrian Series 2 of China 期刊论文
PALZ, 2021, 页码: 13
作者:  Yang, Kaiyu;  Dai, Tao;  Zhang, Xingliang;  Peng, Shanchi(彭善池)
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Trilobite  Redlichiids  Cambrian  Body plan  Enrolment  Bathynotus  
丹寨南皋凯里组下部(寒武系第2统)Bathynotus及其古生物学和生物地层学的意义 期刊论文
凯里学院学报, 2011, 卷号: 29, 期号: 3, 页码: 87-91
作者:  杨再春;  赵元龙;  杨洪;  袁金良;  刘伦沛;  巫宜山
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丹寨南皋  凯里组下部(寒武系第2统)  Bathynotus  
Bathynotus: A key trilobite taxon for global stratigraphic boundary correlation between Cambrian Series 2 and Cambrian Series 3 期刊论文
PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, 2009, 卷号: 19, 期号: 1, 页码: 99-105
作者:  Peng, Jin;  Zhao, Yuanlong;  Yuan, Jinliang (袁金良);  Yao, Lu;  Yang, Hong
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Bathynotus  Age  Cambrian Series 2  Boundary  Correlation  
中国中、下寒武统界线的划分 期刊论文
贵州工学院学报, 1996, 期号: 4, 页码: 20+15-20
作者:  赵元龙;  袁金良;  朱立军;  陈笑媛;  周丕康;  周震
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中、下寒武统界线  中国台江八郎bathynotus—nangaops组合带