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A redescription of the ichnospecies Koreanaornis anhuiensis (Aves) from the Lower Cretaceous Qiuzhuang Formation at Mingguang city, Anhui Province, China 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PALAEOGEOGRAPHY-ENGLISH, 2018, 卷号: 7, 期号: 1, 页码: 58-65
作者:  Xing, Li-Da;  Hu, Yuan-Chao;  Huang, Jian-Dong;  He, Qing;  Lockley, Martin G.;  Burns, Michael E.;  Fang, Jun
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Lower Cretaceous  Ichnospecies  Koreanaornis  Aquatilavipes  Qiuzhuang Formation  Anhui Province