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Microfossils from the Paleoproterozoic Hutuo Group, Shanxi, North China: Early evidence for eukaryotic metabolism 期刊论文
PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2020, 卷号: 342, 页码: 10
作者:  Yin, Leiming (尹磊明);  Meng, Fanwei (孟凡巍);  Kong, Fanfan;  Niu, Changtai
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Paleoproterozoic  Hutuo Group  Microfossils  Eukaryote  Glaciation  
'Red - the magic color for solar salt production' - but since when? 期刊论文
FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS, 2019, 卷号: 366, 期号: 5, 页码: 7
作者:  Oren, Aharon;  Meng, Fan-Wei(孟凡巍)
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Halobacteria  Salinibacter  Dunaliella  carotenoids  saltern  history  
Calculation of salt basin depth using fluid inclusions in ha lite from the Ordovician Ordos Basin in China 期刊论文
GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY, 2019, 卷号: 63, 期号: 3, 页码: 619-628
作者:  Galamay, Anatoliy R.;  Meng, Fanwei (孟凡巍);  Bukowski, Krzysztof;  Lyubchak, Aleksandr;  Zhang, Yongsheng;  Ni, Pei
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halite  gas-liquid inclusion  brine depth  Ordos Basin  Ordovician evaporate