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Tubule system of earliest shells as a defense against increasing microbial attacks 期刊论文
ISCIENCE, 2024, 卷号: 27, 期号: 3, 页码: 13
作者:  Li, Luoyang;  Topper, Timothy P.;  Betts, Marissa J.;  Altanshagai, Gundsambuu;  Enkhbaatar, Batktuyag;  Li, Guoxiang;  Li, Sanzhong;  Skovsted, Christian B.;  Cui, Linhao;  Zhang, Xingliang
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Calcitic shells in the aragonite sea of the earliest Cambrian 期刊论文
GEOLOGY, 2022, 页码: 5
作者:  Li, Luoyang;  Topper, Timothy P.;  Betts, Marissa J.;  Dorjnamjaa, Dorj;  Altanshagai, Gundsambuu;  Enkhbaatar, Baktuyag;  Li, Guoxiang(李国祥);  Skovsted, Christian B.
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