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New data on the Cambrian-Ordovician (Tremadocian) conodont biostratigraphy of Guizhou Province, Southwest China 期刊论文
PALAEOWORLD, 2024, 卷号: 33, 期号: 6, 页码: 1489-1504
作者:  Jahangir, Hadi;  Yan, Guan-Zhou;  Wu, Rong-Chang;  Zhan, Ren-Bin
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Cambrian  Lower Ordovician  conodonts  South China  biostratigraphy  
Conodont biostratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Middle to Upper Ordovician on the western Yangtze Platform, South China 期刊论文
PALAEOWORLD, 2023, 卷号: 32, 期号: 2, 页码: 266-286
作者:  Gong, Fang-Yi;  Yan, Guan-Zhou;  Wu, Rong-Chang
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conodont  carbon chemostratigraphy  Middle to Late Ordovician  western Yangtze Platform  
Middle-Late Ordovician chitinozoans from Songliang of Qiaojia, western South China, and their biostratigraphic implications 期刊论文
PALAEOWORLD, 2023, 卷号: 32, 期号: 2, 页码: 287-302
作者:  Liang, Yan;  Tang, Peng;  Wang, Guang-Xu;  Yan, Guan-Zhou;  Wang, Qian
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Chitinozoa  biostratigraphy  Hungshihyen Formation  Huadan Formation  Yangtze Platform  near-shore facies  
Taphonomic study of Chuaria fossils from the Ediacaran Lantian biota of South China 期刊论文
PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2022, 卷号: 369, 页码: 7
作者:  Wang, Wei(王伟);  Guan, Chengguo(关成国);  Zhao, Xianye(赵显烨);  Fang, Yan(方艳);  Zhou, Chuanming(周传明);  Yuan, Xunlai(袁训来)
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Fossil  Clay minerals  Pyrite  Ediacaran  Taphonomy  
湖北松滋、建始地区中、上奥陶统牯牛潭组至宝 塔组牙形类及其地层意义* 期刊论文
微体古生物学报, 2022, 卷号: 39, 期号: 2, 页码: 113-136
作者:  龚方怡;  吴荣昌;  闫冠洲;  栾晓聪;  张雨晨
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牙形类生物地层 地层缺失 牯牛潭组–宝塔组 中–上奥陶统 湖北地区  
Dynamic interplay of biogeochemical C, S and Ba cycles in response to the Shuram oxygenation event 期刊论文
作者:  Cui, Huan;  Kaufman, Alan J.;  Xiao, Shuhai;  Zhou, Chuanming(周传明);  Zhu, Maoyan(朱茂炎);  Cao, Mengchun;  Loyd, Sean;  Crockford, Peter;  Liu, Xiao-Ming;  Goderis, Steven;  Wang, Wei(王伟);  Guan, Chengguo(关成国)
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Conodont biostratigraphy and biodiversity of the middle to Upper Ordovician near Shitai of Anhui Province, South China 期刊论文
ALCHERINGA, 2020, 页码: 16
作者:  Gong, Fang-yi(龚方怡);  Wu, Rong-chang(吴荣昌);  Zhen, Yong-yi;  Luan, Xiao-cong(栾晓聪);  Zhan, Ren-bin(詹仁斌);  Yan, Guan-zhou(闫冠洲)
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Conodonts  Darriwilian to Katian  biodiversity  biostratigraphy  South China  
Age constraints of the Hungshihyen Formation (Early to Middle Ordovician) on the western margin of the Yangtze Platform, South China: New insights from chitinozoans 期刊论文
PALAEOWORLD, 2020, 卷号: 29, 期号: 1, 页码: 66-74
作者:  Liang, Yan;  Wang, Guang-Xu;  Servais, Thomas;  Wu, Rong-Chang;  Nolvak, Jaak;  Hints, Olle;  Wei, Xin;  Gong, Fang-Yi;  Yan, Guan-Zhou
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Chitinozoa  Floian  Ordovician  Hungshihyen Formation  eastern Yunnan  South China  
沉积物中活体底栖有孔虫的虎红染色方法比较研究 期刊论文
微体古生物学报, 2020, 卷号: 37, 期号: 3, 页码: 294-302
作者:  张楷;  李保华;  王晓燕;  俞宙菲;  郭启梅;  徐烨
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深海底栖有孔虫在古海洋学研究中的应用 期刊论文
古生物学报, 2020, 卷号: 59, 期号: 3, 页码: 365-379
作者:  郭启梅;  李保华;  王晓燕;  俞宙菲;  徐烨;  张楷
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