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Global sea-level fall triggered Ediacaran-Cambrian unconformity in North China craton 期刊论文
作者:  Sun, Yunpeng;  Ouyang, Qing;  Lang, Xianguo;  Pang, Ke;  Wu, Chengxi;  Chen, Zhe;  Zhou, Chuanming
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Ediacaran-Cambrian unconformity  Great Unconformity  North China craton  detrital zircon geochronology  Gondwanaland  sea-level fall  
Detrital zircon geochronology and stratigraphy of the Proterozoic strata in the Olongbuluke terrane of Northwest China: Implications for the Great Unconformity 期刊论文
PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2022, 卷号: 376, 页码: 18
作者:  Sun, Yunpeng(孙云鹏);  Ouyang, Qing(欧阳晴);  Pang, Ke(庞科);  Wu, Chengxi(吴承羲);  Chen, Zhe(陈哲);  Yuan, Xunlai(袁训来);  Zhou, Chuanming(周传明)
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Chronostratigraphy  Great Unconformity  Quanji Group  Olongbuluke terrane  North China craton  
New Ediacara-type fossils and late Ediacaran stratigraphy from the northern Qaidam Basin (China): Paleogeographic implications 期刊论文
GEOLOGY, 2021, 卷号: 49, 期号: 10, 页码: 1160-1164
作者:  Pang, Ke(庞科);  Wu, Chengxi(吴承羲);  Sun, Yunpeng(孙云鹏);  Ouyang, Qing(欧阳晴);  Yuan, Xunlai(袁训来);  Shen, Bing;  Lang, Xianguo;  Wang, Ruimin;  Chen, Zhe(陈哲);  Zhou, Chuanming(周传明)
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Distribution of Ediacaran acanthomorphic acritarchs in the lower Doushantuo Formation of the Yangtze Gorges area, South China: Evolutionary and stratigraphic implications 期刊论文
PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2021, 卷号: 353, 页码: 47
作者:  Ouyang, Qing(欧阳晴);  Zhou, Chuanming(周传明);  Xiao, Shuhai;  Guan, Chengguo(关成国);  Chen, Zhe(陈哲);  Yuan, Xunlai(袁训来);  Sun, Yunpeng(孙云鹏)
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Ediacaran Period  Doushantuo Formation  Eukaryotic microfossil  Diversification  Biostratigraphy  
淮南地区中—新元古界LA-ICP-MS 碎屑锆石U-Pb 年龄及地质意义 期刊论文
地层学杂志, 2021, 卷号: 45, 期号: 2, 页码: 115-141
作者:  李光金;  王霄鹏;  孙云鹏;  庞科;  万斌;  周传明
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华北克拉通, 淮南, 中—新元古代, 碎屑锆石, U-Pb 年龄  
A new species of the Meropeidae (Insecta: Mecoptera) from mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber 期刊论文
CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2020, 卷号: 116, 页码: 5
作者:  Sun, Haocheng;  Gao, Yunpeng;  Zhao, Xiangdong (赵向东);  Wang, Bo (王博);  Xiao, Chuantao
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Taxon  Burmomerope  Mesozoic  Scorpionfly  
浙西邵家山埃迪卡拉纪地层的碳同位素特征及其地层对比意义 期刊论文
地层学杂志, 2020, 卷号: 44, 期号: 2, 页码: 136-149
作者:  孙康;  胡永亮;  关成国;  孙云鹏;  王伟;  高云鹏
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安徽宿州新元古界望山组臼齿碳酸盐岩特征及成因讨论 期刊论文
地层学杂志, 2020, 卷号: 44, 期号: 4, 页码: 386-400
作者:  孙云鹏;  郎咸国;  欧阳晴;  周传明
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