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Saccorhytus is an early ecdysozoan and not the earliest deuterostome 期刊论文
NATURE, 2022, 页码: 20
作者:  Liu, Yunhuan;  Carlisle, Emily;  Zhang, Huaqiao(张华侨);  Yang, Ben;  Steiner, Michael;  Shao, Tiequan;  Duan, Baichuan;  Marone, Federica;  Xiao, Shuhai;  Donoghue, Philip C. J.
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The Early Ediacaran Caveasphaera Foreshadows the Evolutionary Origin of Animal-like Embryology 期刊论文
CURRENT BIOLOGY, 2019, 卷号: 29, 期号: 24, 页码: 4307-4314
作者:  Yin, Zongjun (殷宗军);  Vargas, Kelly;  Cunningham, John;  Bengtson, Stefan;  Zhu, Maoyan (朱茂炎);  Marone, Federica;  Donoghue, Philip
Adobe PDF(5909Kb)  |  收藏  |  浏览/下载:556/7  |  提交时间:2020/03/18
The origin of conodonts and of vertebrate mineralized skeletons 期刊论文
NATURE, 2013, 卷号: 502, 期号: 7472, 页码: 546-+
作者:  Murdock, Duncan J. E.;  Dong, Xi-Ping (董熙平);  Repetski, John E.;  Marone, Federica;  Stampanoni, Marco;  Donoghue, Philip C. J.
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