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Shajia, a new genus of polyconitid rudist from the Langshan Formation of the Lhasa block, Tibet, and its palaeogeographical implications 期刊论文
CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, 2020, 卷号: 105, 页码: 13
作者:  Rao, Xin (饶馨);  Skelton, Peter W.;  Sano, Shin-ichi;  Zhang, Yiqiang;  Zhang, Yichun (张以春);  Pan, Yanhong (泮燕红);  Cai, Huawei (蔡华伟);  Peng, Bo;  Zhang, Tong;  Ma, Zhaoxiong
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Lhasa block  Langshan formation  Mid-cretaceous  Rudists  Polyconitidae  Yasin fauna