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Lithium isotopic constraints on the evolution of continental clay mineral factory and marine oxygenation in the earliest Paleozoic Era 期刊论文
SCIENCE ADVANCES, 2024, 卷号: 10, 期号: 13, 页码: 10
作者:  Wei, Guang-Yi;  Zhao, Mingyu;  Sperling, Erik A.;  Gaines, Robert R.;  Kalderon-Asael, Boriana;  Shen, Jun;  Li, Chao;  Zhang, Feifei;  Li, Gaojun;  Zhou, Chuanming;  Cai, Chunfang;  Chen, Daizhao;  Xiao, Ke-Qing;  Jiang, Lei;  Ling, Hong-Fei;  Planavsky, Noah J.;  Tarhan, Lidya G.
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Global marine redox evolution from the late Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic constrained by the integration of Mo and U isotope records 期刊论文
EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2021, 卷号: 214, 页码: 18
作者:  Wei, Guang-Yi;  Planavsky, Noah J.;  He, Tianchen;  Zhang, Feifei;  Stockey, Richard G.;  Cole, Devon B.;  Lin, Yi-Bo;  Ling, Hong-Fei
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molybdenum-uranium isotope  marine redox state  primary productivity  late Neoproterozoic  Cambrian explosion  
Long-term evolution of terrestrial inputs from the Ediacaran to early Cambrian: Clues from Nd isotopes in shallow-marine carbonates, South China 期刊论文
作者:  Wei, Guang-Yi;  Ling, Hong-Fei;  Shields, Graham A.;  Chen, Tianyu;  Lechte, Maxwell;  Chen, Xi;  Qiu, Chen;  Lei, Huanling;  Zhu, Maoyan (朱茂炎)
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Neodymium isotope record  Continental denudation  Tectonic activity  Neoproterozoic oxygenation event  Animal radiation  
Coupling of ocean redox and animal evolution during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition (vol 9, 2018) 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2018, 卷号: 9, 页码: 1
作者:  Wang, Dan;  Ling, Hong-Fei;  Struck, Ulrich;  Zhu, Xiang-Kun;  Zhu, Maoyan (朱茂炎);  He, Tianchen;  Yang, Ben;  Gamper, Antonia;  Shields, Graham A.
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Marine redox variations and nitrogen cycle of the early Cambrian southern margin of the Yangtze Platform, South China: Evidence from nitrogen and organic carbon isotopes 期刊论文
PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH, 2015, 卷号: 267, 页码: 209-226
作者:  Wang, Dan;  Struck, Ulrich;  Ling, Hong-Fei;  Guo, Qing-Jun;  Shields-Zhou, Graham A.;  Zhu, Mao-Yan (朱茂炎);  Yao, Su-Ping
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Nitrogen Isotopes  Redox Variations  n Cycle  Early Cambrian  Yangtze Block  
Rise to modern levels of ocean oxygenation coincided with the Cambrian radiation of animals 期刊论文
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2015, 卷号: 6, 页码: 7
作者:  Chen, Xi;  Ling, Hong-Fei;  Vance, Derek;  Shields-Zhou, Graham A.;  Zhu, Maoyan (朱茂炎);  Poulton, Simon W.;  Och, Lawrence M.;  Jiang, Shao-Yong;  Li, Da;  Cremonese, Lorenzo;  Archer, Corey
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Cerium anomaly variations in Ediacaran-earliest Cambrian carbonates from the Yangtze Gorges area, South China: Implications for oxygenation of coeval shallow seawater 期刊论文
Precambrian Research, 2013, 卷号: 225, 期号: 1, 页码: 110-127
作者:  Ling, Hong-Fei;  Chen, Xi;  Li, Da;  Wang, Dan;  Shields-Zhou, Graham A.;  Zhu, Maoyan (朱茂炎)
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华南寒武纪早期牛蹄塘组黑色岩系中Ni-Mo多金属硫化物矿层的Mo同位素组成讨论 期刊论文
岩石矿物学杂志, 2008, 卷号: 27, 期号: 4, 页码: 341-345
作者:  蒋少涌;  凌洪飞;  赵葵东;  朱茂炎;  杨竞红;  陈永权
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Mo同位素  Ni-mo矿  黑色页岩  牛蹄塘组  华南