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A Unitary Association-based conodont biozonation of the Smithian-Spathian boundary (Early Triassic) and associated biotic crisis from South China 期刊论文
SWISS JOURNAL OF PALAEONTOLOGY, 2022, 卷号: 141, 期号: 1, 页码: 61
作者:  Leu, Marc;  Bucher, Hugo;  Vennemann, Torsten;  Bagherpour, Borhan;  Ji, Cheng(季承);  Brosse, Morgane;  Goudemand, Nicolas
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Smithian-Spathian boundary  Unitary associations  Conodonts  South China  
A late-surviving Triassic protomonaxonid sponge from the Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA) 期刊论文
GEOBIOS, 2019, 卷号: 54, 页码: 5-11
作者:  Botting, Joseph P.;  Brayard, Arnaud;  Bylund, Kevin G.;  Escarguel, Gilles;  Fara, Emmanuel;  Goudemand, Nicolas;  Gueriau, Pierre;  Jenks, James F.;  Krumenacker, L. J.;  Olivier, Nicolas;  Stephen, Daniel A.;  Thomazo, Christophe;  Thoury, Mathieu;  Vennin, Emmanuelle
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Porifera  Protomonaxonida  Lazarus taxon  Spathian  Early Triassic  Paris Biota