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斯行健 专著章节/文集论文
出自: 20世纪中国知名科学家学术成就概览(地学卷:古生物学分册), 北京:科学出版社, 2014, 页码: 153-164
作者:  张善桢
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The palaeogeographic distribution of the Parispermaceae: an answer to the papers by Li Xingxue, Shen Guanglong and Wu Xiuyuan, entitled:“First appearance of paripteprids and their migration and dispersion” and by Wu Xiuyuan and Shen Guanglong, entitled: “Preliminary study of the migration and dispersion of neuropterids” 期刊论文
Geobios, 1994, 卷号: 27, 期号: 4, 页码: 395-401
作者:  Laveine J-P;  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢);  Lemoigne Y
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南极乔治王岛柯林斯冰盖西缘古新世木化石 专著章节/文集论文
出自: 南极乔治王岛菲尔德斯半岛地层及古生物研究, 北京:科学出版社, 1994, 页码: 223-238
作者:  张善桢;  王庆之
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General characteristics and paleobiogeography of the Parispermaceae (genera Paripteris Gothan and Linopteris Presl), pteridosperms from the Carboniferous 期刊论文
Palaeontographica, Abt. B, 1993, 期号: 230, 页码: 81-139;15 pls
作者:  Laveine J-P;  Lemoigne Y;  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢)
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The importance of the distrubution of some Eurasiatic Carboniferous plants for paleogeographic reconstructions 期刊论文
Comptes Rendus Ⅻ ICCP, Buenos, Aires, 1993, 期号: 2, 页码: 89-106;4 pls
作者:  Laveine J-P;  Lemoigne Y;  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢)
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斯行健 专著章节/文集论文
出自: 中国现代科学家传记 1, 北京:科学出版社, 1993, 页码: 258-262
作者:  张善桢
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The Permian flora from the Shuangtsan Formation of the Western Hills of Beijing, North China 期刊论文
Annales de la Socit Gologique du Nord, Sr, 1992, 期号: 1, 页码: 179-187;3 pls
作者:  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢);  Wang Qingzhi;  Xiao Zongzheng;  Laveine J-P;  Lemoigne Y
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Frond architecture in the genera Neualethopteris Cremer, Alethopteris Sternberg and Lochopteris Brongniart (Carboniferous pteridosperms) 期刊论文
Revue de Palobiologie, 1992, 卷号: Vol. Spec, 期号: 6, 页码: 149-166; 3 pls
作者:  Laveine J-P;  Belhis A;  Lemoigne Y;  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢)
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The Carboniferous flora of the Huaxian area near Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, South China 期刊论文
Revue de Palobiologie, 1992, 卷号: Vol. Spec, 期号: 6, 页码: 113-148;10 pls
作者:  Laveine J-P;  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢);  Lemoigne Y;  Deng Guogan
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The Carboniferous flora of the Zhongning district, Ningxia region, North China 期刊论文
Revue de Palobiologie, 1992, 卷号: Vol. Spec, 期号: 6, 页码: 1-93;29 pls
作者:  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢);  Huo Fuchen;  Cao Jingxuan;  Liu Zhicai;  Laveine J-P;  Lemoigne Y
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