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Studies on some permineralized lycopsid remains from the Upper Devonian of North Xinjiang, China 期刊论文
Palaeontographica Abt. B, 2002, 期号: 262, 页码: 119-136
作者:  Cai Chongyang (蔡重阳);  S. Chitalley;  Yawei Dou
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On a Chinese Givetian lycopod, Longostachys latisporophyllus Zhu, Hu et Feng, emend: its morphology, anatomy and reconstruction 期刊论文
Palaeontographica, Abt. B, 1996, 卷号: 238, 期号: 1-3, 页码: 1-43;20 pls
作者:  Cai Chongyang (蔡重阳);  Chen Lizhu
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General characteristics and paleobiogeography of the Parispermaceae (genera Paripteris Gothan and Linopteris Presl), pteridosperms from the Carboniferous 期刊论文
Palaeontographica, Abt. B, 1993, 期号: 230, 页码: 81-139;15 pls
作者:  Laveine J-P;  Lemoigne Y;  Zhang Shanzhen (张善桢)
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Ginkgo coriacea Florin from Lower Cretaceous of Huolinhe, northeastern Nei Monggol. China 期刊论文
Palaeontographica, Abt. B, 1993, 卷号: 230, 期号: 1-6, 页码: 159-168
作者:  Sun Ge (孙革)
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A Middle Jurassic Ginkgo with ovule-bearing organs from Henan,China 期刊论文
Palaeontographica,Abt. B, 1989, 卷号: 211, 期号: 4-6, 页码: 113-133;8 pls
作者:  Zhou Zhiyan (周志炎);  Zhang Bole
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Palaeontology and biostratigraphy of Late Precambrian colonial algae:Chuaria Walcott and Tawuia Hofmann 期刊论文
Palaeontographica, Abt. B, 1987, 期号: 203, 页码: 109-134
作者:  Sun Weiguo (孙卫国)
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Beitrage zur Mitteldevon flora Sudchinas 期刊论文
Palaeontographica, Abt. B, 1987, 卷号: 207, 期号: 1-6, 页码: 1-109;20 pls
作者:  Schweitzer H J;  Cai Chongyang (蔡重阳)
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Stalagma Samara, A new podocarpaceous conifer with monovolpate pollen from the Upper Triassic of Hunan, China 期刊论文
Palaeontographica Abt. B, 1983, 卷号: 185, 期号: 1-3, 页码: 56-78
作者:  Zhou Zhiyan (周志炎)
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Uber Zosterophyllum yunnanicum Hs aus dern Unterdevon Sdchinas 期刊论文
Palaeontographica, Abt. B, 1983, 卷号: 185, 期号: 1-3, 页码: 1-10
作者:  Cai Chongyang (蔡重阳);  Schweitzer H J
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