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Comparative Mitogenomic Analyses and New Insights into the Phylogeny of Thamnocephalidae (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) 期刊论文
GENES, 2022, 卷号: 13, 期号: 10, 页码: 12
作者:  Sun, Xiaoyan(孙晓燕);  Cheng, Jinhui(陈金辉)
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Thamnocephalidae  mitochondrial genome  phylogeny  non-monophyly of Branchinella  
Phylogenetic signal dissection of heterogeneous 28S and 16S rRNA Genes in Spinicaudata (Branchiopoda, Diplostraca) 期刊论文
Genes, 2021, 卷号: 12, 页码: 1705
作者:  Sun Xiaoyan(孙晓燕);  Cheng Jinhui(程金辉)
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Spatiotemporal Differentiation of Alpine Butterfly Parnassius glacialis (Papilionidae: Parnassiinae) in China: Evidence from Mitochondrial DNA and Nuclear Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms 期刊论文
GENES, 2020, 卷号: 11, 期号: 2, 页码: 17
作者:  Tao, Ruisong;  Xu, Chang;  Wang, Yunliang;  Sun, Xiaoyan (孙晓燕);  Li, Chunxiang (李春香);  Ma, Junye (马俊业);  Hao, Jiasheng;  Yang, Qun (杨群)
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Parnassius  Parnassius glacialis  phylogeny  phylogeography  divergence time estimation  quaternary climatic oscillations